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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 250 pages using this property.
Absent  +
Abundance  +
Abundance and Distribution of marine mammals (M4)  +
Abyssobenthic (Abyssal)  +
Abyssopelagic (2500-6000 m)  +
Accessory feeding structures  +
Accretion  +
Actinula  +
Adult  +
Adult body  +
Adult burrow  +
Adult  +
Adverse habitat modification  +
Aerial dipping  +
Aerial hawking  +
Age at maturity  +
Aggregations  +
Algal gravel  +
Alien  +
Alpha-haline  +
Alpha-Mesohaline  +
Alpha-Oligohaline  +
Alpha-Polyhaline  +
Alternation of generations  +
Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles  +
Alters trophic interactions  +
Ambusher  +
Amorphous CaCO3  +
Amphiblastula  +
Anchialine caves  +
Anchor-shaped  +
Anisogamous  +
Annual episodic  +
Annual protracted  +
Apomictic parthenogenesis  +
Appendages (paddles)  +
Aquaculture: accidental  +
Traits:Pathways/vector  +
Aquatic transport  +
Aragonite  +
Arborescent/Arbuscular  +
Aristotle's lantern  +
Arms or appendages  +
Arrhenotoky  +
Articulate  +
Artificial (man-made)  +
Ascidian tadpole  +
Asexual reproduction  +
Sediment surface  +
Auricularia  +
Automictic parthenogenesis  +
Autotroph  +
Ballooning/Kiting  +
Bathybenthic (Bathyal)  +
Bathylpelagic (1000-2500 m)  +
Beak  +
Bed forming  +
Bedrock  +
Benthic  +
Benthopelagic  +
Beta-Haline  +
Beta-Mesohaline  +
Beta-Oligohaline  +
Beta-Polyhaline  +
<Biannual  +
Biannual episodic  +
Biannual protracted  +
Bio-control: accidental translocation with deliberate bio-control release  +
Bio-control: deliberate translocation as a bio-control agent  +
Biodiffusor  +
Bio-genic  +
Biogenic reef  +
Biological Descriptors  +
Bipinnaria  +
Birds Directive  +
Birds Directive Annex 1  +
Birds Directive Annex 2  +
Birds Directive Annex 3  +
Birds Directive Annex 4  +
Birds Directive Annex 5  +
Biting or macerating  +
Piercing or suctorial  +
Bivalved  +
Bivoltine  +
Blind-ended ventilation  +
Accretion  +
Algal gravel  +
Body form  +
Body shape  +
Body size  +
Body length  +
Border Intercept  +
Brachiolaria  +
Brackish  +
Brackish  +
Broadcast  +
Brood chamber  +
Brooding  +
Brooding behaviour  +
Browser  +
Buccal organ absent or occluded  +
Budding  +
Bullate/Saccate  +
Burrow builder  +
Burrow dweller  +
Burrower  +
Bysso-pelagic  +
CITES Appendix I  +
CITES Appendix II  +
CITES Appendix III  +
Calcareous  +
Calcareous  +
Calcite  +
Canals: natural range expansion through man-made canals  +
Capitate/Clubbed  +
Captacula  +
Carnivore  +
Cave  +
Cemented or attached  +
Cephalic spines  +
Chains  +
Change in average trophic level of marine predators in the Bay of Biscay (FW4)  +
Changes in biodiversity index(s) (PH3)  +
Changes in plankton functional types (life form) index Ratio (PH1/FW5)  +
Chemoautotroph  +
Chitinous  +
Choanocytes  +
Cilia/Flagella  +
Circalittoral  +
Circalittoral offshore  +
Clathrate  +
Clawed  +
Clay  +
Clutch size  +
Coarse clean sand  +
Coarse sediments  +
Cobbles  +
Colonial (e.g. sea birds)  +
Commensal (with/on/in)  +
Common  +
Common to dominant  +
Conaria  +
Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities (BH2)  +
Cone with half sphere  +
Cone (Conical)  +
Consumes native species (predator or herbivore)  +
Contact dipping  +
Copepodid (copepodite)  +
Coral (or similar) sands  +
Coronate  +
Crawler/Walker/Climber  +
Creeper  +
Crevices and fissures  +
Critically Endangered (CR)  +
Cruising  +
Crustose hard  +
Crustose soft  +
Ctenidia  +
Cushion  +
Cydippid  +
Cylindrical  +
Cyphonautes  +
Cyprid (cypris)  +
Dabbling  +
Damage to marine structures or archaeology  +
Data Deficient (DD)  +
De-Oxygenation Tolerance  +
Debris: transport of species on human generated debris  +
Demersal  +
Dendroid  +
Dependency  +
Deposit Feeder  +
Depth  +
Depth range  +
Depth in substratum  +
Detected in invasion pathway  +
Detected in the wild  +
Detritivore  +
Diameter  +
Dormancy/Diapause Stage  +
Diel  +
Digitate  +
Diplontic  +
Dipping  +
Dipping to surface  +
Direct development  +
Larval or juvenile dispersal potential  +
Dispersal potential (adult)  +
Distribution Descriptors  +
Diving  +
Doliolaria  +
Dominant  +
Double cone  +
Downward conveyor  +
Drifter  +
Driving Fish Forward  +
Echinopluteus  +
Ecological Descriptors  +
Ecological Interaction  +
Ecophysiology  +
Ectoparasitic  +
Egg, egg mass or clutch location  +
Egg or propagule size  +
Egg sac  +
Eggs  +
Elevation  +
Enclosed coast or embayment  +
Encrusting  +
Endangered (EN)  +
Endoparasitic  +
Endophytic  +
Endoskeleton  +
Endozoic  +
Environment  +
Environmental position  +
Ephyra  +
Epibenthic  +
Epifaunal  +
Epifloral  +
Epilithic  +
Epipelagic (0-200 m)  +
Epipelic  +
Epiphytic  +
Epizooic  +
Eradicated  +
Eradication unconfirmed  +
Erect  +
Established  +
Established and expanding  +
Established and stable  +
Estuary  +
Littoral  +
Eversible pharynx  +
Exoskeleton (including shells)  +
Exposed  +
Extent of Physical Damage to Predominant and Special Habitats (BH3)  +
External  +
External Tube  +
Extinct (EX)  +
Extinct in the Wild (EW)  +
Extirpated  +
Extremely exposed  +
Extremely sheltered  +
FAO-ASFIS: Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes  +
Faunal beds  +
Features or other substratum  +
Fecundity  +
Feeding  +
Feeding apparatus  +