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Administrative Port: Brixham
County: Devon
Population: 65245

Torquay is a seaside town in Devon, England. The town's economy was initially based upon fishing and agriculture, but in the early 19th century the town began to develop into a fashionable seaside resort, initially frequented by members of the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars while the Royal Navy anchored in the bay. Renowned for its healthful climate, the town earned the nickname of the English Riviera, and is still a popular tourist destination today.[1]


Picture: Torquay Harbour (Author: GIFS Researcher Photography)

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 2
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 1
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 3 [2]
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Demersal (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Pelagic (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Shellfish (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Main species (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) All species (tonnes)
Landings Values Demersal
Landings Values Pelagic
Landings Values Shellfish
Landings Values All species
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Regular)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Part-time)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen Total
Landings Major fish species
Landings Landing points
Landings Location of auctions
Governance and organisation Governance
Governance and organisation FLAG
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations Torquay Fishermens Association
Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Fishmonger: D&H Fishmongers Ltd, 21 Fore Street, The Precinct, St. Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 4PU
Fish as food Fish processing
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Tourism & Fishing Mackerel Fishing Torquay, Princess Pier, Torquay, Devon
Tourism & Education Festivals Torbay Fishing Festival
Tourism & Education Fishing museums
Tourism & Education Aquariums Living Coasts Zoo and Aquarium, Torquay Harbourside, Beacon Hill, Torquay, TQ1 2BG
Tourism & Education Monuments
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

Vessel type 1: <10 m vessels
Vessel type 2: >10 m vessels

