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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Species whose presence is uncertain, maybe reported as present anecdotally but not confirmed.  +
specialist - sipunculans  +
Species that are known to be invasive- those species in whose cases evidence of impact has been recorded or which is spreading aggressively.  +
Terms used to describe 'Invasiveness' of species.  +
A species whose 'invasiveness' has not been specified in its introduced range. The species is known to be present and has been reported but there is no comment on its invasiveness.  +
Species whose invasiveness is uncertain.  +
Gametes similar in size, shape and behaviour, not differentiated into male or female (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998)  +
Haploid and diploid phases morphologically identical  +
1) Breeding several times per lifetime. 2) Organisms that have repeated reproductive cycles (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Swimming is effected by contraction of the body or body cavity to produce a 'jet' of water, e.g. medusae and cephalopods (from Barnes ''et al.'', 2006)  +
Organisms able to undertake a rapid jump or hop several times their own body length, using specialised limbs or appendages (e.g. sand hoppers, spring tails, grass hoppers etc)  +
Early adult life stage of an organism that shares the morphology and ecology of the adult but is not capable of reproduction.  +
composed of keratin, a fibrous protein rich cysteine constituent of intermediate filaments (keratin filaments), chief material in horn, hair, nails and the upper layer of skin (derived from Lawrence, 2005).  +
In which the female of one species steals the food reserves or prey of a female of another species, to feed her own progeny (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998)  +
Enclosed bodies of water, separated or partially separated from the sea by shingle, sand or sometimes rock and with a restricted exchange of water with the sea, yielding varying salinity regimes.  +
Lance shaped and usually elongate (Brusca, 1980).  +
>512 mm; likely to be stable (Hiscock, 1996).  +
Large colonies of indivduals cooperating for mutual benefit, made up of thousnads or more individuals, often with a dominant matriach, e.g. social incests , bees etc.  +
An independent, motile, developmental stage of an organism, that differs in morphology and ecology from the juvenile or adult stage, and undergoes a metamorphosis to become the juvenile or adult (adapted from Ruppert & Barnes, 1994; Barnes <em>et al.</em>, 2006).  +
Description of how the larvae or juveniles develop into adults  +