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Showing 20 pages using this property.
18-<25 psu  +
Breeds less frequently than every two years.  +
Breeds every second year but in one or more discrete periods initiated by some trigger (for example a lunar cycle).  +
Breeds once every two years over an extended or drawn out period.  +
Where an introduction of a bio-control agent results in an unintentional introduction of an invasive species (which is carried directly on the bio-control agent itself or along with habitat material associated with the bio-control agent).  +
Where a species (i.e. a bio-control agent) introduced to control a pest, weed or invasive species becomes a problem itself.  +
Organisms whose activities that cause constant and random local sediment biomixing over short distances resulting in transport of sediment particles, analogous to molecular or eddy diffusion (from Kristensen ''et al.'', 2012). Includes epifaunal biodiffusers e.g. fiddler crabs; surficial biodiffusers e.g. ''Echinocardium''; and gallery biodiffusers e.g. ''Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor''.  +
Habitat features created by living things  +
An elevated structure on the seabed built by calcareous or other concretion-forming organisms, or by chemical precipitation (Hiscock, 1996); for example by ''Modiolus modiolus'' or ''Sabellaria alveolata''  +
First of the two free-swimming larval forms in the asteroids, characterized by a ciliary band and the presence of arm-like projections (Stachowitsch, 1992; Ruppert & Barnes, 1994).  +
Europe is home to more than 500 wild bird species. But at least 32 % of the EU's bird species are currently not in a good conservation status. The Birds Directive aims to protect all of the 500 wild bird species naturally occurring in the European Union.  +
194 species and sub-species are particularly threatened. Member States must designate Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for their survival and all migratory bird species.  +
82 bird species can be hunted. However, the hunting periods are limited and hunting is forbidden when birds are at their most vulnerable: during their return migration to nesting areas, reproduction and the raising of their chicks.  +
Overall, activities that directly threaten birds, such as their deliberate killing, capture or trade, or the destruction of their nests, are banned. With certain restrictions, Member States can allow some of these activities for 26 species listed here.  +
The directive provides for the sustainable management of hunting but Member States must outlaw all forms of non-selective and large scale killing of birds, especially the methods listed in this annex.  +
The directive promotes research to underpin the protection, management and use of all species of birds covered by the Directive, which are listed in this annex.  +
Mouth parts designed to grasp and macerate food before swallowing (e.g. most vertebrates)  +
Mouth parts designed to pierce outside of food or prey and feed on internal fluids or tissues  +
Characteristically a shell of two calcareous valves joined by a flexible ligament.  +
Two generations per year (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006).  +