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Carrying Capacity Analysis

The notion of carrying capacity

The concept of carrying capacity is rooted in a notion of “limits to growth”. The notion of carrying capacity or sustainability yield has become a basic criterion of sustainability. Ecosystems and populations have a limited capacity to cope with environmental stress; above a certain amount of stress there may be detrimental effects for the ecosystems. Carrying capacity is defined as “the growth limits an area can accommodate without violating environmental capacity goals” (Ortolano, 1984)[1]. Policies to regulate human activities and for anticipating environmental impacts can assist in attaining carrying capacity limits. For this it is necessary to translate ecosystem’s limits into limitations and controls.

Nevertheless the notion of “limits” has several conceptual and other problems (ecosystems complexity, lack of data, gaps in science or bias of the scientists, etc.). Limits are above all conceptual constructs. It is questionable whether it is possible to identify the geographical boundaries or area limits of natural ecosystems, much more to assess ecosystem’s limits. Things become more complicated when moving from limits to certain parameters or resources to carrying capacity limits for a whole area, as in the case of tourism carrying capacity. Limitations for critical ecological resources like water need to be defined while stress due to tourism, agriculture, industry, etc. need to be considered. To achieve the above task of carrying capacity analysis a significant mobilization of resources (scientific, technological, financial, etc.) is required.

Tourism carrying capacity

It seems that there is a relationship between the excess of carrying capacity limits with the natural/physical deterioration of the area’s ability to support recreation, which could be different from the actual natural/physical deterioration of the area. Tourism carrying capacity is determined not only in terms of ecology and generally the deterioration of the area but furthermore it needs to incorporate the visitors’ experiences thus human values. Different types of capacity or different components of carrying capacity such as the physical-ecological, socio-cultural, political-economic suggest the existence of different types of limits which do not necessarily have to coincide. Usually the most limiting factors provide the basis for decision making. The use of the carrying capacity notion in planning for tourism development has undergone significant criticism due to the limitations during implementation such as the lack of scientific objectivity; the failure to take into account relationships between use and impact; the futility of trying to arrive at a desirable unique number. (Coccossis and Mexa, 2004) [2].

Lately emphasis was placed on management policies that meet visitor expectations and preferences rather than on determining limits to use. Alternative concepts have been suggested reflecting Management –by-Objectives approaches such as Visitor Impact Management, Limits of Acceptable Change, Visitor Experience and Resource Protection, etc.

Carrying Capacity as part of a Planning process for coastal areas

The measurement, assessment and implementation of carrying capacity may be considered as a process within a planning process for coastal areas. The process of defining carrying capacity requires the definition of goals and objectives and policy measures, while it requires the elaboration of a vision about local development. The process is cyclical and repetitive comprising of various steps (identification of issues, definition of critical factors, indicators, thresholds and desires levels, formulation of goals and objectives, elaboration of alternative courses of action, impact assessment, etc). This needs to be considered in the context of a democratic community strategic planning, which requires participation of all major actors (Coccossis and Mexa, 2004) [3].

Monitoring –The use of indicators

Monitoring is an essential component of carrying capacity analysis. It may help site planning and development, policy –making and the review process of management performance. Indicators provide significant opportunities for defining and implementing carrying capacity. A core set of indicators reflecting pressures and state of key factors (e.g. water, sea pollution) has been used to identify the violation of the capacity limits.


  1. Ortolano, L. (1984), Environmental Planning and Decision Making, John Wiley and Sons, New York
  2. Coccossis, H. and Mexa, A. (eds) (2004), The Challenge of Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment: Theory and Practice, Ashgate, Aldershot
  3. Coccossis, H. and Mexa, A. (eds) (2004), The Challenge of Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment: Theory and Practice, Ashgate, Aldershot

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Citation: {{{AuthorFullName}}} (2007): Carrying capacity analysis. Available from http://www.coastalwiki.org/wiki/Carrying_capacity_analysis [accessed on 21-09-2024]

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