Integrating Climate Change into the ICZM planning process - Introduction

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Analysis and Futures  

Setting the Vision  

Designing the Future  

Realising the Vision  


CC ICZM Process/EstablishmentCC ICZM Process/Analysis and FutureCC ICZM Process/Setting the visionCC ICZM Process/Designing the FutureCC ICZM Process/Realizing the VisionICZM pegaso 3 1.png
About this image

This document provides some guidance on the steps to be taken in including climate change related issues into the ICZM process. It is based on the view that climate adaptation measures should be an integral part of the process and not an add-on or a separate component. The structure adopted is that used by the Integrative Methodological Framework for coastal, river basin and aquifer management and by the Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM strategies [1] (henceforth referred to as the IMF document), which identify the following key steps:

ESTABLISHMENT: Aim & Objectives

ANALYSIS & FUTURES: Aim and Objectives

SETTING THE VISION: Aim & Objectives


REALISING THE VISION: Aims and Objectives

The IMF document notes that actions related to climate change need to be integrated in the respective frameworks. The present report goes through each of the stages listed above and indicates how the climate change dimension should be addressed, both at the strategy stage as well as in the preparation of the coastal plans at both the national and local levels. In both cases the context is the Mediterranean.

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This article has been drafted by PAP/RAC
Please note that others may also have edited the contents of this article.

  1. The ICZM process has been presented in the three related documents prepared by the Priority Actions Programme: “Towards Converging Management Approaches for Mediterranean Coastal Zones: An Integrated Methodological Framework for coastal, river basin and aquifer management”, April, 2012; “Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol for the Mediterranean”, June, 2011; and “ICZM Process” (PEGASO Platform).