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Administrative Port: Lowestoft
County: Norfolk
Population: 7.367

Sheringham is an English seaside town within the county of Norfolk in the United Kingdom. The motto of the town, granted in 1953 to the Sheringham Urban District Council, is Mare Ditat Pinusque Decorat, Latin for "The sea enriches and the pine adorns". The fishing industry was at its peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the coming of the railways made it possible for fish to be transported more efficiently to market. Through the 1900s the focus of the fishing, as all along the north Norfolk coast, began to be on crabs, lobsters and whelks. The local fishermen were major suppliers of crabs and lobsters to the London fish markets. Long lining for cod and the catching of herring began to become less important in the second half of the century, as did whelking. Today, from a peak of maybe 200 boats, a significant decline has seen Sheringham’s fishing fleet reduced to ten boats.[1]


Picture: Fishing boats on the beach in Sheringham (Author: GIFS Researcher Photography)

Crab & Lobster Festival, Cromer & Sheringham (2014)

Video: Crab & Lobster Festival, Cromer & Sheringham (2014).

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 10
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 0
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 10 [2]
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Demersal (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Pelagic (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Shellfish (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Main species (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) All species (tonnes)
Landings Values Demersal
Landings Values Pelagic
Landings Values Shellfish
Landings Values All species
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Regular)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Part-time)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen Total
Landings Major fish species
Landings Landing points
Landings Location of auctions
Governance and organisation Governance Sheringham FLAG
Governance and organisation FLAG North Norfolk
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations Sheringham Fishermen's Association
Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Fishmonger: Joyful West's Shellfish Bar, 23 High St, Sheringham, NR26 8JP
Fish as food Fish processing Richard's Fish Shop, 21b Church St, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8QR
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Tourism & Fishing
Tourism & Education Festivals Cromer and Sheringham's Crab and Lobster Festival
Tourism & Education Fishing museums -Fishermen’s Heritage Centre, West Cliff, Sheringham, NR26 8JT
-Sheringham Museum, Lifeboat Plain, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8BG
Tourism & Education Aquariums
Tourism & Education Monuments
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

Vessel type 1: <10 m vessels
Vessel type 2: >10 m vessels

