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Administrative Port: Tholen
County: Zeeland
Population: 75971

Tholen is a municipality in the southwest of the Netherlands. The town has a small historical center partly surrounded by a "gracht" and partly bordered by a harbour for fishing ships and yachts.2

Harbour of Tholen
Figure 1: Harbour of Tholen (Author: Michiel Minderhoud)

Vessel type 1= Vessels used for inshore fishing
Vessel type 2= Vessels used for high sea fishing
(definition inshore fishing vessels: length <24m, capacity <221kW)

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 9
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 6
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3 153
Fishing Fleet Vessels total
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Demersal (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Pelagic (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Shellfish (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Main species (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) All species (tonnes)
Landings Values Demersal
Landings Values Pelagic
Landings Values Shellfish
Landings Values All species
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Regular)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Part-time)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen Total
Landings Major fish species
Landings Landing points
Landings Location of auctions
Governance and organisation Governance
Governance and organisation FLAG Zeeland
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations
Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling De Zeeuwse Vishandel, Ambachtseweg 6 4691 SC Tholen
Fish as food Fish processing
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels Hof van Holland, Kaaij 1, Tholen
Tourism & Education Tourism & Fishing Anchovies- and musselcruise
Tourism & Education Festivals
Tourism & Education Fishing museums
Tourism & Education Aquariums
Tourism & Education Monuments
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

