Property:Free text

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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Definition requires confirmation  +
Definition specific to Ophiuroidea  +
Definition specific to Porifera  +
Definition specific to Mollusca. Citeable definition required.  +
Definition specific to Sipunculida  +
Definition requires input - it is currently specific to NE Atlantic - if required it will need additional terms for Mediterranean, Baltic, Pontic, and Pacific etc features.  +
Definition requires specialist input (sea birds)  +
Definition specific to Nemertea  +
Definition requires confirmation  +
Specific to Cnidaria  +
Definition requires specialist input  +
Definition specific to pycnogonids  +
Definition specific to decapod Crustacea  +
Definition requires specialist input  +
Definition specific to Hydrozoa, Cnidaria.  +
Definition requires input - need to decide on a standard approach - either recording the months of the year in which reproduction occurs (e.g. Jan., Feb., ...Dec.) or the season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). Month is preferable as it is a better resolution and more transferable across hemispheres. Need to add information on geographical location information of the record, as the productive season may vary with latitude and climate.  +
Hierarchy requires input. At present, the asexual and sexual reproductive split in the hierarchy is based on the presence or absence of meiosis. It does not represent the distinction between true sexual reproduction that involves both random association of alleles and gametes, and other forms of mictic and amictic reproduction.  +
The definition refers to a scale of salinities (Reusser & Lee, 2011). The traits could be records as a range of values of the scale in which the organism is found, or as the max. to minimum values in which the organism is recorded. Note the scale is expressed as 'psu' while the TEOS-10 uses g/kg (mass fraction of salt in seawater).  +
Definition and traits/descriptors require input from EMODNET Habitats  +
Definition requires specialist input  +