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Species that were reported at some time to be present but were not recorded subsequently are reported to be ‘Absent’. +
Abundance and population trends of species populations have been recorded where this information was available. +
Common in OSPAR Regions II, III, IV +
Occupying the ocean floor from ca 4000 - 6000 m depth. Usually a more or less flat plain (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Overlays the plains of the major ocean basins with a lower boundary of ca 6000 m. +
Other structures such as palps, tentacles or a radiolar crown ("grooved palps"). There are forms of single pair of grooved palps nearly always attached dorsally or near the junction of the prostomium and peristomium, or multiple grooved palps sometimes forming a crown. Dorso lateral ciliated folds in the roof of the buccal cavity may be present in some polychaetes. +
An organism that constructs reefs or raised beds of accreted materials, e.g. bound sand in ''Sabellaria'' spp. +
The reproductively capable (mature), fully formed, usually longest lived, stage of an animals life cycle. +
Eggs are placed or retained within the parents burrow +
Where the species physically alters the nature of the strata/habitat. +
Age recorded in days, months, years. +
An organism that constructs reefs and raised beds due to aggregation of large numbers of individuals via permanent or semi-permanent attachment e.g. mussels, oysters and ''Crepidula'' beds. +
Constructs deep beds of calcareous algal nodules, e.g. maerl beds +
36-40 psu +
10-<18 psu +
3-<5 psu +
25-<30 psu +
The alternation of generations, in the life cycle of an organism, that exhibit different modes of reproduction; typically sexual (diploid) and asexual (haploid) phases. Also termed metagenesis (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) (e.g. ''Daphnia'', some rotifers) +
Where the species alters the nature of chemical or water cycles. +
Where the species alters food web dynamics. +
Sedentary or sessile predators, that wait for prey to come to them, and may or may not use a final pounce, traps or lures (e.g. sea anemones, large hydroids, spiders) +
calcium carbonate that lacks a crystalline structure, or whose internal is so irregular that there is no characteristic external form. The term does not preclude the existence of any degree of order (Derived from Neuendorf et al. 2005) +
A poriferan larva, composed of a hollow ball of cells, with one hemisphere ciliated (Ruppert & Barnes, 1994). +
Coastal salt water habitats with no surface connection to the sea. +
E.g. ''Ceratium'' spp. +
Having flagellate gametes of different size, shape or behaviour (from Bold, 1977 and Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Breeds every year but in one or more discrete periods initiated by some trigger (for example a lunar cycle). +
Breeds every year over an extended or drawn out period. +
Reproduction via single cells /eggs that are derived by mitosis (Barnes ''et al.'', 1993) - amictic. +
Swimming is effected one or more pairs of appendages (legs or paddles) e.g. the pleiopods of Isopod, Amphipod or Decapod crustaceans, or the legs of amphibious vertebrates. +
Alien and potentially invasive species that have accidentally escaped from containment/ aquaculture facility into the wild. +
Alien and potentially invasive species that have been intentionally introduced for aquaculture. +
Where the species alters boat traffic or impedes ability of boats to navigate waterways. +
a crystalline form of calcium carbonate, e.g. one of the constituents of mollusc shells. +
Having the shape or characteristics of a tree. +
Specialist - sea urchins +
Traits that describe specialized limbs or appendages used to catch or process food items. +
Haploid males develop from unfertilized eggs and diploid females from fertilized eggs (adapted from Lincoln 'et al.'', 1998). +
Jointed, arthrous (Holmes, 1979). +
E.g. wood, metal or concrete structures. +
A free-swimming tadpole-like larva of ascidians, characterized by a head (bearing internal organs and adhesive papilla) and tail (with notochord and neural tube) (Stachowitsch, 1992). +
Reproduction not involving the exchange of genetic material, amictic, individuals derived form a single parent (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006); not involving the fusion of gametes (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) +
Attached to the sediment surface e.g. by mucilagenous sheath such as used by necklace shells, and opistobranchs +
First free-swimming larval stage of the Holothuroidea. It is characterized by a continuous and curving flagellated band (Stachowitsch, 1992). +
Obligate self-fertilization (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) in which haploid eggs /gametes are produced by meiosis but diploidy is restored without fertilization. +
Self-feeding. An organism capable of synthesizing complex organic substances from simple inorganic substrates (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Use of a length of silk to be carried by the wind (e.g. spiders) +