From Coastal Wiki
This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.
Abundance and Distribution of marine mammals (M4) +
Abyssobenthic (Abyssal) +
Abyssopelagic (2500-6000 m) +
Accessory feeding structures +
Adult burrow +
Adult +
Adverse habitat modification +
Aerial dipping +
Aerial hawking +
Age at maturity +
Aggregations +
Algal gravel +
Alpha-haline +
Alpha-Mesohaline +
Alpha-Oligohaline +
Alpha-Polyhaline +
Alternation of generations +
Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles +
Alters trophic interactions +
Amorphous CaCO3 +
Amphiblastula +
Anchialine caves +
Anchor-shaped +
Anisogamous +
Annual episodic +
Annual protracted +
Apomictic parthenogenesis +
Appendages (paddles) +
Aquaculture: accidental +
Traits:Pathways/vector +
Aquatic transport +
Arborescent/Arbuscular +
Aristotle's lantern +
Arms or appendages +
Arrhenotoky +
Articulate +
Artificial (man-made) +
Ascidian tadpole +
Asexual reproduction +
Sediment surface +
Auricularia +
Automictic parthenogenesis +
Ballooning/Kiting +
Bathybenthic (Bathyal) +
Bathylpelagic (1000-2500 m) +
Bed forming +
Benthopelagic +
Beta-Haline +
Beta-Mesohaline +
Beta-Oligohaline +
Beta-Polyhaline +
Biannual episodic +
Biannual protracted +
Bio-control: accidental translocation with deliberate bio-control release +
Bio-control: deliberate translocation as a bio-control agent +
Biodiffusor +
Biogenic reef +
Biological Descriptors +
Bipinnaria +
Birds Directive +
Birds Directive Annex 1 +
Birds Directive Annex 2 +
Birds Directive Annex 3 +
Birds Directive Annex 4 +
Birds Directive Annex 5 +
Biting or macerating +
Piercing or suctorial +
Blind-ended ventilation +
Accretion +
Algal gravel +
Body length +
Border Intercept +
Brachiolaria +
Brackish +
Brood chamber +
Brooding behaviour +
Buccal organ absent or occluded +
Bullate/Saccate +
Burrow builder +
Burrow dweller +
Bysso-pelagic +
CITES Appendix I +
CITES Appendix II +
CITES Appendix III +
Calcareous +
Calcareous +
Canals: natural range expansion through man-made canals +
Capitate/Clubbed +
Cemented or attached +
Cephalic spines +
Change in average trophic level of marine predators in the Bay of Biscay (FW4) +
Changes in biodiversity index(s) (PH3) +
Changes in plankton functional types (life form) index Ratio (PH1/FW5) +
Chemoautotroph +
Choanocytes +
Cilia/Flagella +
Circalittoral +
Circalittoral offshore +
Clutch size +
Coarse clean sand +
Coarse sediments +
Colonial (e.g. sea birds) +
Commensal (with/on/in) +
Common to dominant +
Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities (BH2) +
Cone with half sphere +
Consumes native species (predator or herbivore) +
Contact dipping +
Coral (or similar) sands +
Crawler/Walker/Climber +
Crevices and fissures +
Critically Endangered (CR) +
Crustose hard +
Crustose soft +
Cylindrical +
Cyphonautes +
Damage to marine structures or archaeology +
Data Deficient (DD) +
De-Oxygenation Tolerance +
Debris: transport of species on human generated debris +
Dependency +
Deposit Feeder +
Depth range +
Depth in substratum +
Detected in invasion pathway +
Detected in the wild +
Detritivore +
Dormancy/Diapause Stage +
Dipping to surface +
Direct development +
Larval or juvenile dispersal potential +
Dispersal potential (adult) +
Distribution Descriptors +
Doliolaria +
Double cone +
Downward conveyor +
Driving Fish Forward +
Echinopluteus +
Ecological Descriptors +
Ecological Interaction +
Ecophysiology +
Ectoparasitic +
Egg, egg mass or clutch location +
Egg or propagule size +
Enclosed coast or embayment +
Encrusting +
Endangered (EN) +
Endoparasitic +
Endophytic +
Endoskeleton +
Environment +
Environmental position +
Epibenthic +
Epipelagic (0-200 m) +
Eradicated +
Eradication unconfirmed +
Established +
Established and expanding +
Established and stable +
Littoral +
Eversible pharynx +
Exoskeleton (including shells) +
Extent of Physical Damage to Predominant and Special Habitats (BH3) +
External Tube +
Extinct in the Wild (EW) +
Extirpated +
Extremely exposed +
Extremely sheltered +
FAO-ASFIS: Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes +
Faunal beds +
Features or other substratum +
Feeding apparatus +
Feeding Method/Behaviour +
Fertilization +
Filter basket +
Fine clean sand +
Fisheries: accidental as bait +
Fisheries: accidental with deliberate translocations of fish or shellfish +
Fisheries: accidental with fishery products, packing or substrate +
Fisheries: deliberate translocations of fish or shellfish to establish or support fishery +
Flabellate +
Flattened Ellipsoid +
Flexibility +
Fluctuating +
Flyer (Flight) +
Following Fishing Boats +
Food Piracy +
Food Type/Diet +
Foot Paddling +
Foot Stirring +
Forest-forming +
Fork length (FL) +
Free living +
Free or water column +
Freshwater +
Freshwater +
Funnel Shaped +
Gamete type +
Generation time +
Genetic impacts: hybridisation and introgression +
Gill rakers +
Glochidium +
Goette's larva +
Gonochorisitc (dioecious) +
Grasping claws +
Grasping paws, hands, feet +
Gravel or shingle +
Gravelly mud +
Gravelly muddy sand +
Gravelly sand +
Grazer/Browser +
Grazer (fronds/blades) +
Grazer (grains / particles) +
Grazer (surface/substratum) +
Gregarious +
Grey seal pup production (M5) +
Ground Foraging +
Growth form (or type) +
Growth Rate +
Habitat modification +
Habitat Preferences +
Habitats Directive +
Habitats Directive Annex I +
Habitats Directive Annex II +
Habitats Directive Annex III +
Habitats Directive Annex IV +
Habitats Directive Annex V +
Habitats Directive Annex VI +
Hadobenthic (Hadal) +
Hadopelagic (>6000 m) +
Half cone with flattened ellipsoid +
Half parallelepiped +
Half sphere (dome) +
Haploid-diploid (haplodiplontic) +
Immobile hard +
Mobile hard +
Rock (hard substrata) +
Height (above substratum) +
Heteromorphic +
Heterotroph +
High Magnesium Calcite +
Hover dipping +
Human health +
Hydrostatic skeleton +
Hyper-saline +
Hyperbenthic +
IUCN Red List +
Ice-Associated +
In captivity/cultivated +
Independant (free living) +
Individual release: accidental release by individuals +
Individual release: deliberate release by individuals +
Induces novel behavioural or eco-physiological responses +
Infralittoral +
Inhalent siphon +
Inquilinist +
Intermediary +
Interstitial +
Introduced Species Catalog +
Introduced country and/or sea area +
Introduction unverified +
Invasiveness +
Invasiveness Not specified +
Invasiveness Uncertain +
Isomorphic +
Iteroparous (polytely) +
Jet propulsion +
Jumper/Hopper +
Keratinous +
Kleptoparasitism +
Lanceolate +
Large or very large boulders +
Large (insect colonies) +
Larval and juvenile development +
Larval settlement period +
Duration of larval stage +
Larval settlement substratum +
Least Concern (LC) +
Lecithotrophic +
Life history +
Lithotomous +
Locally common +
Location Type +
Lophophore +
Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain +
Loss of public/tourist amenity +
Lower circalittoral +
Lower infralittoral +
Lower littoral +
Lower littoral fringe +
MSFD Indicators +
Macroalgae +
Macrobiota [2.0 - 200 mm] +
Management recorded +
Marine bird abundance (B1) +
Marine Bird Breeding Success / Failure (B3) +
Marine mammal bycatch (M6) +
Marine +
Medium clean sand +
Medusiform/Medusoid +
Mesohaline +
Mesopelagic (200-1000 m) +
Metanauplius +
Microbiota [<0.2 mm] +
Mid littoral +
Mixed Calcareous Material +
Mode of Life +
Moderately exposed +
Moderately strong +
Monoculture +
Hermaphrodite (monoecious) +
Monoraphidioid +
Mouth parts +
Mud and sandy mud +
Muddy gravel +
Muddy sandy gravel +
Muller's larva +
Multivoltine +
Muscular contraction (body length) +
Muscular axial proboscis +
Mutualist (mutualism) +
Native - Endemic +
Native - Non-endemic +
Native country and/or native sea area +
Natural dispersal +
Near Threatened (NT) +
Nectochaeta +
None +
No care +
No care +
Non-brooding +
Non-migratory (resident) +
Non-selfing +
Non-solid; cement +
Non-solid; particles +
Non-Territorial +
Non-Feeding +
Not invasive +
Not Evaluated (NE) +
OSPAR Biodiversity Common Indicators +
OSPAR List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats +
OSPAR Region I: Arctic Waters +
OSPAR Region II: Greater North Sea +
OSPAR Region III: Celtic Seas +
OSPAR Region IV: Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast +
OSPAR Region V: Wider Atlantic +
Occurrence +
Occurrence Not specified +
Of concern +
Offshore seabed +
Oligohaline +
Ontogenetic migration +
Open-ended ventilation +
Ophiopluteus +
Origin uncertain +